So many have asked, " Why don't you get on Shark Tank ?
I stood here with the biggest hopes, dreams and expectations with 100's of others, each hoping that I would be the next "bait" for the "Sharks" to invest in my invention.
🛑Did you get a deal?
Non disclosure, non disclosure legal 50 pages- Don't tell anyone,
🛑How did you find your manufacturer? Have lots of $$$. Manufacturers have minimums to start production, Raw materials cost, labor cost...please understand HALTZGLOVES is made to order.
I'm open for a conversation to anyone
🛑I have an invention, can you help me? If I can I will always try
🏽My life lesson🏽
Be prepared to work hard
Start with a plan, work that plan, set goals and work toward those goals
HALTZGLOVES is proud to announce our new line of 4 products
Available April 30 2021
"The Best Reflective Gloves on the Market"
✔HALTZGLOVES 4.0. with no slip grip
✔HALTZGLOVES Orange for our overseas customer
✔HALTZGLOVES Winter version with fleece
✔HALTZGLOVES Leather version available July 2021
Little steps still finish the race too.
Some may jump ahead of others but the lessons learned from going slow and steady has me really grateful for all the customers who have met me and share their stories of how HALTZGLOVES has saved their life!